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Talk at Smith College

Kigumi Group was grateful to be invited to present to an Intro to Logic class of students at Smith College, one of the leading liberal arts & sciences colleges in the USA.

The presentation, conducted via Zoom and reaching students spread from Massachusetts to Shanghai, highlighted the journey of building Kigumi Group thus far, the value of the skills learnt in a liberal arts & sciences environment like Smith (including critical thinking, communication, empathy, and character), and encouraged students to focus on “who” they wanted to be now and in the future, as opposed to only focussing on “what” they wanted to be and what they wanted to achieve professionally.

Students shared positive feedback after the session, particularly on the novelty of a character-based perspective to career planning.

A big thank you to Dr. Theresa Helke for organising and hosting the Kigumi Group for this wonderful opportunity!

May 27

Workshop at Alibaba

December 14

Ethics and Craft Beer